I poured myself a nice taste prior to dinner as I am prone to do when I am cooking at home. Hello, old friend, how did 2015 treat you, I mentally asked as I looked at my glass. It was a pale salmon pink with light citrus aromas. I took a sip. It was dry, crisp and smooth. I finished my final dinner preparations as the wine warmed up some and started to open up more displaying its familiar personality- delicate strawberry, melon and grapefruit notes along with a slight savoriness in the mostly mineral finish. Always interesting and delightfully drinkable.
Dinner was going to be simple, just grilled vegetables and shrimp; everything was prepped
and the grill was hot. I moved outside to the front porch to talk to the cat and wait for my husband who promptly pulled up. "What was that?" he asked as he walked towards me. I looked down at my now empty glass and replied, "an old friendship that you are really going to enjoy renewing."
The 2015 Vin Gris de Cigare is a highly recommended "pink wine of the earth" for spring, summer and beyond. Enjoy it with easy meals and good company.
and the grill was hot. I moved outside to the front porch to talk to the cat and wait for my husband who promptly pulled up. "What was that?" he asked as he walked towards me. I looked down at my now empty glass and replied, "an old friendship that you are really going to enjoy renewing."
The 2015 Vin Gris de Cigare is a highly recommended "pink wine of the earth" for spring, summer and beyond. Enjoy it with easy meals and good company.
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